Candlestick charts are a fundamental tool in finance, providing a comprehensive view of high, low, open, and closing prices for specific periods. Whether you’re building a trading platform, investment analysis tool, or financial dashboard, this interactive candlestick chart will be an invaluable addition to your project. This candlestick chart is built using JavaScript open source library amCharts 4.
Integrating the amCharts 4 library, allows you to effortlessly generate interactive candlestick charts to represent stock price data over time.
With this code, you can offer your users a seamless and dynamic charting experience. Moreover, the chart’s customizable features allow users to zoom in on specific date ranges, enabling them to scrutinize data with precision. Additionally, the interactive tooltips provide quick access to vital information like open, high, low, and close prices, giving users a clear understanding of market movements.
How to Create JavaScript Candlestick Chart using amCharts JS
1. First of all, load the amCharts JS by adding the following CDN links into the head tag of your HTML document.
<script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script>
2. After that, create a div element with a unique id. You can place it anywhere on your webpage where you want to display a candlestick chart.
<div id="chartdiv"></div>
3. You can style the div wrapper with CSS to adjust with your web/app theme.
body { font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif, "Apple Color Emoji", "Segoe UI Emoji", "Segoe UI Symbol"; } #chartdiv { width: 100%; height: 500px; }
3. Finally, initialize the amChart by adding the following JavaScript function to your project. It contains demo data to show in chart. To set your own data in the candlestick chart, you need to replace the sample data with your desired dataset. The data is represented in an array of objects, with each object containing properties for “date,” “open,” “high,” “low,” and “close” prices for specific time periods.
/** * --------------------------------------- * This demo was created using amCharts 4. * * For more information visit: * * * Documentation is available at: * * --------------------------------------- */ // Themes begin am4core.useTheme(am4themes_animated); // Themes end var chart = am4core.create("chartdiv", am4charts.XYChart); chart.paddingRight = 20; chart.dateFormatter.inputDateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd"; var dateAxis = chart.xAxes.push(new am4charts.DateAxis()); dateAxis.renderer.grid.template.location = 0; var valueAxis = chart.yAxes.push(new am4charts.ValueAxis()); valueAxis.tooltip.disabled = true; var series = chart.series.push(new am4charts.CandlestickSeries()); series.dataFields.dateX = "date"; series.dataFields.valueY = "close"; series.dataFields.openValueY = "open"; series.dataFields.lowValueY = "low"; series.dataFields.highValueY = "high"; series.simplifiedProcessing = true; series.tooltipText = "Open:${openValueY.value}\nLow:${lowValueY.value}\nHigh:${highValueY.value}\nClose:${valueY.value}"; chart.cursor = new am4charts.XYCursor(); // a separate series for scrollbar var lineSeries = chart.series.push(new am4charts.LineSeries()); lineSeries.dataFields.dateX = "date"; lineSeries.dataFields.valueY = "close"; // need to set on default state, as initially series is "show" = false; // hide from legend too (in case there is one) lineSeries.hiddenInLegend = true; lineSeries.fillOpacity = 0.5; lineSeries.strokeOpacity = 0.5; var scrollbarX = new am4charts.XYChartScrollbar(); scrollbarX.series.push(lineSeries); chart.scrollbarX = scrollbarX; delete; delete; series.columns.template.adapter.add("fill", (fill, target) => { if (target.dataItem) { if((target.dataItem.index%2==0)){ return am4core.color("#000000"); } else { if([target.dataItem.index].open >[target.dataItem.index].close){ return am4core.color("#00FF00"); }else { return am4core.color("#FF0000"); } } // = am4core.color("#000000"); // = am4core.color("#000000"); } return fill; }); = [ { "date": "2011-08-01", "open": "136.65", "high": "136.96", "low": "134.15", "close": "136.49" }, { "date": "2011-08-02", "open": "135.26", "high": "135.95", "low": "131.50", "close": "131.85" }, { "date": "2011-08-05", "open": "132.90", "high": "135.27", "low": "128.30", "close": "135.25" }, { "date": "2011-08-06", "open": "134.94", "high": "137.24", "low": "132.63", "close": "135.03" }, { "date": "2011-08-07", "open": "136.76", "high": "136.86", "low": "132.00", "close": "134.01" }, { "date": "2011-08-08", "open": "131.11", "high": "133.00", "low": "125.09", "close": "126.39" }, { "date": "2011-08-09", "open": "123.12", "high": "127.75", "low": "120.30", "close": "125.00" }, { "date": "2011-08-12", "open": "128.32", "high": "129.35", "low": "126.50", "close": "127.79" }, { "date": "2011-08-13", "open": "128.29", "high": "128.30", "low": "123.71", "close": "124.03" }, { "date": "2011-08-14", "open": "122.74", "high": "124.86", "low": "119.65", "close": "119.90" }, { "date": "2011-08-15", "open": "117.01", "high": "118.50", "low": "111.62", "close": "117.05" }, { "date": "2011-08-16", "open": "122.01", "high": "123.50", "low": "119.82", "close": "122.06" }, { "date": "2011-08-19", "open": "123.96", "high": "124.50", "low": "120.50", "close": "122.22" }, { "date": "2011-08-20", "open": "122.21", "high": "128.96", "low": "121.00", "close": "127.57" }, { "date": "2011-08-21", "open": "131.22", "high": "132.75", "low": "130.33", "close": "132.51" }, { "date": "2011-08-22", "open": "133.09", "high": "133.34", "low": "129.76", "close": "131.07" }, { "date": "2011-08-23", "open": "130.53", "high": "135.37", "low": "129.81", "close": "135.30" }, { "date": "2011-08-26", "open": "133.39", "high": "134.66", "low": "132.10", "close": "132.25" }, { "date": "2011-08-27", "open": "130.99", "high": "132.41", "low": "126.63", "close": "126.82" }, { "date": "2011-08-28", "open": "129.88", "high": "134.18", "low": "129.54", "close": "134.08" }, { "date": "2011-08-29", "open": "132.67", "high": "138.25", "low": "132.30", "close": "136.25" }, { "date": "2011-08-30", "open": "139.49", "high": "139.65", "low": "137.41", "close": "138.48" }, { "date": "2011-09-03", "open": "139.94", "high": "145.73", "low": "139.84", "close": "144.16" }, { "date": "2011-09-04", "open": "144.97", "high": "145.84", "low": "136.10", "close": "136.76" }, { "date": "2011-09-05", "open": "135.56", "high": "137.57", "low": "132.71", "close": "135.01" }, { "date": "2011-09-06", "open": "132.01", "high": "132.30", "low": "130.00", "close": "131.77" }, { "date": "2011-09-09", "open": "136.99", "high": "138.04", "low": "133.95", "close": "136.71" }, { "date": "2011-09-10", "open": "137.90", "high": "138.30", "low": "133.75", "close": "135.49" }, { "date": "2011-09-11", "open": "135.99", "high": "139.40", "low": "135.75", "close": "136.85" }, { "date": "2011-09-12", "open": "138.83", "high": "139.00", "low": "136.65", "close": "137.20" }, { "date": "2011-09-13", "open": "136.57", "high": "138.98", "low": "136.20", "close": "138.81" }, { "date": "2011-09-16", "open": "138.99", "high": "140.59", "low": "137.60", "close": "138.41" }, { "date": "2011-09-17", "open": "139.06", "high": "142.85", "low": "137.83", "close": "140.92" }, { "date": "2011-09-18", "open": "143.02", "high": "143.16", "low": "139.40", "close": "140.77" }, { "date": "2011-09-19", "open": "140.15", "high": "141.79", "low": "139.32", "close": "140.31" }, { "date": "2011-09-20", "open": "141.14", "high": "144.65", "low": "140.31", "close": "144.15" }, { "date": "2011-09-23", "open": "146.73", "high": "149.85", "low": "146.65", "close": "148.28" }, { "date": "2011-09-24", "open": "146.84", "high": "153.22", "low": "146.82", "close": "153.18" }, { "date": "2011-09-25", "open": "154.47", "high": "155.00", "low": "151.25", "close": "152.77" }, { "date": "2011-09-26", "open": "153.77", "high": "154.52", "low": "152.32", "close": "154.50" }, { "date": "2011-09-27", "open": "153.44", "high": "154.60", "low": "152.75", "close": "153.47" }, { "date": "2011-09-30", "open": "154.63", "high": "157.41", "low": "152.93", "close": "156.34" }, { "date": "2011-10-01", "open": "156.55", "high": "158.59", "low": "155.89", "close": "158.45" }, { "date": "2011-10-02", "open": "157.78", "high": "159.18", "low": "157.01", "close": "157.92" }, { "date": "2011-10-03", "open": "158.00", "high": "158.08", "low": "153.50", "close": "156.24" }, { "date": "2011-10-04", "open": "158.37", "high": "161.58", "low": "157.70", "close": "161.45" }, { "date": "2011-10-07", "open": "163.49", "high": "167.91", "low": "162.97", "close": "167.91" }, { "date": "2011-10-08", "open": "170.20", "high": "171.11", "low": "166.68", "close": "167.86" }, { "date": "2011-10-09", "open": "167.55", "high": "167.88", "low": "165.60", "close": "166.79" }, { "date": "2011-10-10", "open": "169.49", "high": "171.88", "low": "153.21", "close": "162.23" }, { "date": "2011-10-11", "open": "163.01", "high": "167.28", "low": "161.80", "close": "167.25" }, { "date": "2011-10-14", "open": "167.98", "high": "169.57", "low": "163.50", "close": "166.98" }, { "date": "2011-10-15", "open": "165.54", "high": "170.18", "low": "165.15", "close": "169.58" }, { "date": "2011-10-16", "open": "172.69", "high": "173.04", "low": "169.18", "close": "172.75" }];
That’s all! hopefully, you have successfully created Javascript Candlestick Chart Open Source. If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to comment below.