This JavaScript code snippet helps you to draw flow diagram using the JointJS library and add it to an HTML container. The flowchart consists of shapes, such as rectangles and paths, and links that connect them. The code also defines functions that create each of the shapes and the links between them, including attributes such as colors and text labels.
The graph object is used to store the cells, which are the individual shapes and links, and the paper object is used to render them on the screen. Finally, the graph.addCells() method is used to add all of the shapes and links to the graph.
How to Draw Flow Diagram in JavaScript
First of all, load the Joint CSS by adding the following CDN link into the head tag of your HTML document.
<link rel='stylesheet' href=''>
After that, create a div element with a unique id in which the flowchart will be rendered dynamically.
<div id="paper-container"></div>
Style the container using the following CSS styles. These CSS rules are optional, you can define your own according to your needs.
#paper-container { position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; left: 0; bottom: 0; overflow: scroll; }
Now, load the jQuery and Joint JS by adding the following CDN links before closing the body tag:
<script src=''></script> <script src=''></script> <script src=''></script> <script src=''></script>
Finally, add the following JavaScript function with your chart data to activate the flow diagram:
const { dia, shapes } = joint; // Paper const paperContainer = document.getElementById("paper-container"); const graph = new dia.Graph({}, { cellNamespace: shapes }); const paper = new dia.Paper({ model: graph, cellViewNamespace: shapes, width: "100%", height: "100%", async: true, sorting: dia.Paper.sorting.APPROX, background: { color: "#F3F7F6" }, snapLabels: true, interactive: { linkMove: false }, defaultConnectionPoint: { name: 'boundary' }, defaultRouter: { name: 'orthogonal', args: { padding: 5 } } }); paperContainer.appendChild(paper.el); const fontAttributes = { fontFamily: 'sans-serif', fontSize: 15, fill: '#fff', }; const startColor = '#ff9580'; const flowColor = '#48cba4'; const stepColor = '#4a7bcb'; const decisionColor = '#80aaff'; function createStart(x, y, text) { return new shapes.standard.Rectangle({ position: { x: x + 10, y: y + 5 }, size: { width: 80, height: 50 }, z: 1, attrs: { body: { rx: 25, ry: 25, fill: startColor, stroke: 'none' }, label: { ...fontAttributes, text } } }); } function createStep(x, y, text) { return new shapes.standard.Rectangle({ position: { x, y }, size: { width: 100, height: 60 }, z: 1, attrs: { label: { ...fontAttributes, text, textWrap: { width: -10, height: -10 } }, body: { fill: stepColor, stroke: 'none' } } }); } function createDecision(x, y, text) { return new shapes.standard.Path({ position: { x: x - 30, y: y - 10 }, size: { width: 160, height: 80 }, z: 1, attrs: { body: { d: 'M 0 calc(0.5 * h) calc(0.5 * w) 0 calc(w) calc(0.5 * h) calc(0.5 * w) calc(h) Z', fill: decisionColor, stroke: 'none' }, label: { ...fontAttributes, text } } }); } function createFlow(source, target) { return new shapes.standard.Link({ source: { id: }, target: { id: }, z: 2, attrs: { line: { stroke: flowColor } }, defaultLabel: { attrs: { labelBody: { ref: 'labelText', x: 'calc(x - 8)', y: 'calc(y - 8)', width: 'calc(w + 16)', height: 'calc(h + 16)', fill: flowColor, stroke: 'none', rx: 5, ry: 5 }, labelText: { ...fontAttributes, textAnchor: 'middle', textVerticalAnchor: 'middle' } }, markup: [ { tagName: 'rect', selector: 'labelBody' }, { tagName: 'text', selector: 'labelText' } ], } }); } const start = createStart(50, 50, 'Start'); const addToCart = createStep(200, 50, 'Add to Cart'); const checkoutItems = createStep(350, 50, 'Checkout Items'); const addShippingInfo = createStep(500, 50, 'Add Shipping Info'); const addPaymentInfo = createStep(500, 150, 'Add Payment Info'); const validPayment = createDecision(500, 250, 'Valid Payment?'); const presentErrorMessage = createStep(750, 250, 'Present Error Message'); const sendOrderToWarehouse = createStep(200, 250, 'Send Order to Warehouse'); const packOrder = createStep(200, 350, 'Pack Order'); const qualityCheck = createDecision(200, 450, 'Quality Check?'); const shipItemsToCustomer = createStep(500, 450, 'Ship Items to Customer'); graph.addCells([ start, addToCart, checkoutItems, addShippingInfo, addPaymentInfo, validPayment, presentErrorMessage, sendOrderToWarehouse, packOrder, qualityCheck, shipItemsToCustomer, createFlow(start, addToCart), createFlow(addToCart, checkoutItems), createFlow(checkoutItems, addShippingInfo), createFlow(addShippingInfo, addPaymentInfo), createFlow(addPaymentInfo, validPayment), createFlow(validPayment, presentErrorMessage) .labels([{ attrs: { labelText: { text: 'No' }}}]), createFlow(presentErrorMessage, addPaymentInfo) .vertices([{ x: 800, y: 180 }]), createFlow(validPayment, sendOrderToWarehouse) .labels([{ attrs: { labelText: { text: 'Yes' }}}]), createFlow(sendOrderToWarehouse, packOrder), createFlow(packOrder, qualityCheck), createFlow(qualityCheck, shipItemsToCustomer) .labels([{ attrs: { labelText: { text: 'Ok' }}}]), createFlow(qualityCheck, sendOrderToWarehouse) .labels([{ attrs: { labelText: { text: 'Not Ok' }}}]) .vertices([{ x: 100, y: 480 }, { x: 100, y: 280 }]), ]); const graphBBox = graph.getBBox(); function scaleToFit() { paper.scaleContentToFit({ padding: 40, contentArea: graphBBox, }); const sy = paper.scale().sy; paper.translate(0, (paper.getArea().height / 2 - graphBBox.y - graphBBox.height / 2) * sy); } window.addEventListener('resize', () => scaleToFit()); scaleToFit();
That’s all! hopefully, you have successfully integrated this code project to draw flow diagram in JavaScript. If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to comment below.