This code snippet helps you to create a family tree. It define a JavaScript object named xist
with a property called tree
. The tree
property is assigned an anonymous function which creates a new tree
object with various options and data. The _count
variable is used to generate a unique ID for each new tree
object. The tree
object also sets default values for various properties such as the root
node, direction of the tree, size and gap between nodes, and the parent container for the tree view. The view
property of the options
object is also given default values for its attributes and CSS styles. The tree
object then creates a new view element, assigns it the provided or generated ID, and creates an SVG element within it to display the tree nodes and connections.
Finally, the update()
method is called to render the tree.
How to Create JavaScript Family Tree
First of all, load the following assets into the head tag of your HTML document.
<link rel='stylesheet' href=''> <link rel='stylesheet' href=''>
Now, style the family tree using the following CSS styles:
body { background: white; } .node { display: table; position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0; width: 200px; height: 50px; background: white; border: 1px solid black; color: black; font-size: 12px; font-weight: bold; } .node:hover { border-color: blue; } .node.selected { border-color: green; } .node.dropTarget { border-color: red; background-color: antiquewhite; } .node * { padding: 0; margin: 0; } .node .thumb { display:table-cell; padding: 5px; width: 50px; height: 50px; } .node .thumb img { height: 100%; width: auto; } .node .details { display: table-cell; vertical-align: middle; } .node .name { color: black; } .node .born, .node .died { font-size: 10px; color: grey; } .node .lbl { font-weight: normal; }
Load the following scripts before closing the body tag:
<script src=''></script> <script src=''></script> <script src=''></script> <script src=''></script> <script src=''></script> <script src=''></script> <script src=''></script> <script src=''></script> <script src=''></script> <script src=''></script> <script src=''></script>
Finally, add the following JavaScript function for its functionality:
/* Family Tree Consists of nodes Tree is the overarching data structure that manages nodes Nodes are the primary object in the tree, have direct child-parent relationships with other nodes. Nodes may only have one parent node */ var xist = {}; xist.tree = (function() { var _count = 0; var tree = function(options, data) { this._id = 'tree-'+_count++; this._root = mkr.default(options.root, null); this._dir = mkr.default(options.dir, xist.tree.TOP_DOWN); //topDown, bottomUp, leftRight, rightLeft this._grid = mkr.default(options.grid, null); options.view = mkr.default(options.view, {}); this._nodeW = mkr.default(options.nodeW, 250); this._nodeH = mkr.default(options.nodeH, 65); this._gap = mkr.default(, 40); this._parent = mkr.default(options.parent, document.body); this._data = mkr.default(data, null); this._width = this._height = 0; this._resized = new signals.Signal(); TweenMax.set(mkr.getRule('.node'), {cssRule:{width:this.nodeW, height:this.nodeH}}); TweenMax.set(mkr.getRule('.node .thumb'), {cssRule:{width:this.nodeH, height:this.nodeH}}); mkr.setDefault(options.view, 'attr', {}); mkr.setDefault(options.view.attr, 'class', 'tree'); mkr.setDefault(options.view.attr, 'id',; mkr.setDefault(options.view, 'css', {}); mkr.setDefault(options.view.css, 'width', '100%'); mkr.setDefault(options.view.css, 'height', '100%'); mkr.setDefault(options.view.css, 'background', '#dddddd'); this._view = mkr.query('#' || mkr.create('div', options.view, this._parent); this._svg = mkr.query('#', this.view) ||mkr.create('svg', {attr:{class:'lines'}, css:{width:'100%', height:'100%', pointerEvents:'none', overflow:'visible'}}, this.view); Draggable.create(this.view, {type:"x,y", zIndexBoost:false}); this.update(); }; tree.prototype = { get id() { return this._id; }, get dir() { return this._dir; }, set dir(value) { this._dir = value; this.refresh(); }, get grid() { return this._grid; }, get data() { return this._data; }, set data(value) { this._data = value; this.update(); }, get view() { return this._view; }, get svg() { return this._svg; }, get nodeW() { return this._nodeW; }, get nodeH() { return this._nodeH; }, get gap() { return this._gap; }, get count() { return this._count; }, get root() { return this._root; }, get pairs() { return this._pairs; }, get gridW() { return this._gridW; }, get gridH() { return this._gridH; }, get width() { return this._width; }, get height() { return this._height; }, get depth() { return xist.node.instances[this.root].depth; }, get breadth() { return xist.node.instances[this.root].breadth; }, get resized() { return this._resized; }, get x() { return xist.node.instances[this.root].x; }, set x(value) { var root = xist.node.instances[this.root]; root.x = root._originX = value; root.refresh(); }, get y() { return xist.node.instances[this.root].y; }, set y(value) { var root = xist.node.instances[this.root]; root.y = root._originY = value; root.refresh(); }, setXY: function(x, y) { var root = xist.node.instances[this.root]; root.x = root._originX = x; root.y = root._originY = y; root.setOrigin(root.x, root.y); root.refresh(); }, create: function(options, data) { options = options || {}; options.tree = this; var node = new xist.node(options, data); return node; }, add: function(node) { if(node.tree) { if(node.tree === this) return; node.tree.remove(; } node.tree = this; if(!this._root) this._root =; }, remove: function(id) { if(this.root == id) this._root = null; }, delete: function(id) { var node = xist.node.instances[id]; node.destroy(); }, refresh: function() { if(!this.root) return; var root = xist.node.instances[this.root]; //run DFS to find/assign breadths of all subtrees root.findBreadth(this); //run DFS to find/assign depths of all subtrees root.findDepth(); //run BFS to set offsets root.refresh(); var w, h; switch(this.dir) { default: case xist.tree.TOP_DOWN : case xist.tree.BOTTOM_UP : w = root.breadth*this.nodeW + (root.breadth-1)*; h = (root.depth+1)*this.nodeH + root.depth*; break; case xist.tree.LEFT_RIGHT : case xist.tree.RIGHT_LEFT : w = (root.depth+1)*this.nodeW + root.depth*; h = root.breadth*this.nodeH + (root.breadth-1)*; break; } var resized = false; if(this._width != w) { this._width = w; resized = true; } if(this._height != h) { this._height = h; resized = true; } if(resized) this.resized.dispatch(); }, clear: function() { if(this.root) { this.root.destroy(); this.root = null; } }, update: function() { if(this.root) xist.node.instances[this.root].data =; else( this.create({},; } }; tree.TOP_DOWN = 0; tree.BOTTOM_UP = 1; tree.LEFT_RIGHT = 2; tree.RIGHT_LEFT = 3; return tree; })(); //node class xist.node = (function() { var node = function(options, data) { this._id = uuid.v1(); xist.node.instances[this._id] = this; var tree = options.tree; this._parent = mkr.default(options.parent, null); this._children = mkr.default(options.children, []) || []; this._lines; this._depth = 0; this._breadth = 1; this._target = null; this._originX = this._originY = 0; tree.add(this); //data setup = mkr.default(data, {}); mkr.setDefault(options, 'x', 0); mkr.setDefault(options, 'y', 0); //this.createView(options.x, options.y); //drag/drop functionality var self = this; if(!this.isRoot) { this._dragger = Draggable.create(this.view, { type:"x,y", edgeResistance:0.65, bounds:this.tree.view.container, onPress: function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); if(mkr.hasClass(, 'selected') < 0) { TweenLite.set('.node.selected', {className:"-=selected"}); TweenLite.set(, {className:"+=selected"}); } else { TweenLite.set(, {className:"-=selected"}); } }, onDrag: function(e) { self.refresh(); xist.node.setBox(self.x, self.right, self.y, self.bottom); var nodes =; var i = nodes.length; while(--i > -1) { //dropTarget all nodes expect self if(nodes[i].id == continue; TweenLite.set(nodes[i], {className:"+=dropTarget"}); } //remove dropTarget class from old targets var targets = mkr.queryAll('.node.dropTarget'); i = targets.length; while(--i > -1) { var target = targets[i]; if(nodes.indexOf(target) < 0) TweenMax.set(target, {className:'-=dropTarget'}); } }, onRelease: function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); //allow nodes to be dragged without affecting the container xist.node.setBox(self.x, self.right, self.y, self.bottom); var nodes =; var i = nodes.length; while(--i > -1) { if(nodes[i].id == continue; self._target = nodes[i]; break; } TweenLite.set('.node.dropTarget', {className:"-=dropTarget"}); if(self._target) { /* console.log(; console.log(self._target); console.log('\n'); */ xist.node.getInstance(; self._target=null; } else { self.snap(); } } })[0]; } //unused selectpicker code, maybe useful for extended tree /* var relate = function(e, index) { // create selectpicker for dropdown // mkr.create('div', {attr:{id:`select-pop-${_count}`, class:'popover node-popover'}, css:{autoAlpha:0}, // text:`<div class="popover-content" id="select-${_count}"> // <button type="button" class="close" aria-hidden="true">×</button> // <p>How is this node related to the target?</p> // <select class="selectpicker" title="Choose one"> // <option>Parent</option> // <option>Child</option> // </select> // </div>` // }, document.body); // if( == self.tree.root) { //'.node-popover', self.tree.view.container), .5, {autoAlpha:1, display:'block'}); // $('', relate); // mkr.on('.node-popover .close', 'click', cancelOp); // return; // } //console.log(index, $('val')); $('', relate);'.node-popover .close', 'click', cancelOp);'.node-popover', self.tree.view.container), .5, {autoAlpha:0}); $('val', ''); if(index == 1) { //balls } else { xist.node.instances[].addChild(self); } self._target = null; }; var cancelOp = function() { self._target = null; $('', relate);'.node-popover .close', 'click', cancelOp);'.node-popover', self.tree.view.container), .5, {autoAlpha:0}); };*/ }; node.prototype = { get id() { return this._id; }, get isRoot() { return === this.tree.root; }, get tree() { return this._tree; }, set tree(value) { var n = this.children.length; this._tree = value; for(var i = 0; i < n; i++) { this.childAt(i).tree = value; } }, get lines() { return this._lines; }, get data() { return this._data; }, set data(value) { var children; if(value && 'children' in value) { children = value.children.concat(); delete value.children; } this._data = mkr.default(value, {}) || {}; mkr.setDefault(this._data, 'name', ''); mkr.setDefault(this._data, 'dob', ''); //date of birth mkr.setDefault(this._data, 'pob', ''); //place of birth mkr.setDefault(this._data, 'dod', ''); //date of death mkr.setDefault(this._data, 'pod', ''); //place of death mkr.setDefault(this._data, 'thumb', ''); //thumbnail url this.view ? this.update() : this.createView(); this.children = children; }, get children() { return this._children; }, set children(value) { if(this.children.length) { this.destroyChildren(); } var len = value ? value.length : 0, node; for(var i = 0; i < len; i++) { node = this.tree.create({}, value[i]); this.addChild(node); } }, get parent() { return this._parent; }, set parent(value) { this._parent = value; }, get dragger() { return this._dragger; }, get view() { return this._view; }, get x() { return this.view._gsTransform.x; }, set x(value) { TweenMax.set(this.view, {x:value}); //this.refresh(); }, get y() { return this.view._gsTransform.y; }, set y(value) { TweenMax.set(this.view, {y:value}); //this.refresh(); }, get right() { return this.view._gsTransform.x + this.tree.nodeW; }, get bottom() { return this.view._gsTransform.y + this.tree.nodeH; }, get originX() { return this._originX; }, set originX(value) { this.tree.grid.remove(this.view); this._originX = this.view.minX = value; this.view.maxX = this.originR; this.tree.grid.insert(this.view); }, get originY() { return this._originY; }, set originY(value) { this.tree.grid.remove(this.view); this._originY = this.view.minY = value; this.view.maxY = this.originB; this.tree.grid.insert(this.view); }, get originR() { return this._originX + this.tree.nodeW; }, get originB() { return this._originY + this.tree.nodeH; }, get breadth() { return this._breadth; }, get depth() { return this._depth; }, setOrigin: function(x, y) { this.tree.grid.remove(this.view); this._originX = this.view.minX = x; this._originY = this.view.minY = y; this.view.maxX = this.originR; this.view.maxY = this.originB; this.tree.grid.insert(this.view); }, createView: function(x, y) { x = mkr.default(x, 0); y = mkr.default(y, 0); this._view = mkr.create('div', { css:{x:x, y:y}, attr:{, class:'node'}, text:`<div class='thumb'><img src=''/></div> <div class='details'> <p class='name'></p> <p class='born'> <span class='lbl'>Born: </span> <span class='date'></span><span class='place'></span> </p> <p class='died'> <span class='lbl'>Died: </span> <span class='date'></span><span class='place'></span> </p> </div>` }, this.tree.view); this.view.minX = x; this.view.minY = y; this.view.maxX = x + this.tree.nodeW; this.view.maxY = x + this.tree.nodeH; this.view._tree =; this._lines = [ mkr.construct('ln', {attr:{class:'ln-0', x1:0, x2:0, y1:0, y2:0}}, '#'' .lines'), mkr.construct('ln', {attr:{class:'ln-1', x1:0, x2:0, y1:0, y2:0}}, '#'' .lines'), mkr.construct('ln', {attr:{class:'ln-2', x1:0, x2:0, y1:0, y2:0}}, '#'' .lines') ]; if(this.isRoot) this.tree.refresh(); this.update(); }, snap:function() { //console.log(this);, .25, {x:this._originX, y:this._originY, onUpdate:this.refresh, onUpdateScope:this}); }, addChild: function(node) { var id =; if(node.parent) { xist.node.instances[node.parent].removeChild(id); } this.tree.add(node); this.children.push(id); node.parent =; this.tree.refresh(); }, addChildren: function(ids) { for(var id of ids) { this.addChild(id); } }, removeChild: function(id) { var n = this.children.indexOf(id); if(n >= 0) { this.children.splice(n, 1); xist.node.instances[id].parent = null; this.tree.refresh(); } }, childAt: function(n) { if(n < 0) n += this.children.length; return xist.node.instances[this.children[n]]; }, clearChildren: function() { for(var id of this.children) { xist.node.instances[id].parent = null; } this.children = []; }, destroyChildren: function() { for(var id of this.children) { xist.node.instances[id].destroy(); } this.children = []; }, destroy: function() { if(this.parent) { //remove from parent xist.node.instances[this.parent].removeChild(; this.parent = null; } this.destroyChildren(); //destroy all children if(this.dragger) this.dragger.kill(); mkr.remove(this.view); mkr.remove([this.lines[0].el, this.lines[1].el, this.lines[2].el]); this.tree.remove(; delete xist.node.instances[]; }, //DFS algorithm that determines the total breadth of each subtree findBreadth: function(tree) { var n = this.children.length; if(n == 0) { this._breadth = 1; return this._breadth; } var node, breadth=0; for(var i = 0; i < n; i++) { node = this.childAt(i); breadth += node.findBreadth(tree); } this._breadth = breadth; return breadth; }, //DFS algorithm that determines the max depth of each subtree findDepth: function(level) { level=mkr.default(level,0); var n=this.children.length, depth, max=0; if(n > 0) { depth = 1; for(var i = 0; i < n; i++) { max = Math.max(max, this.childAt(i).findDepth(level+1)); } } else { depth = 0; } this._depth = depth+max; return this._depth; }, //BFS algorithm that handles node placement refresh: function() { var n = this.children.length; var node, total, startX, startY, delta, subTotal, step=0,, nodeW=this.tree.nodeW, nodeH=this.tree.nodeH; var x1 switch(this.tree.dir) { default: case xist.tree.TOP_DOWN: //calculate total width of the subtree based on the breadth prop total = this.breadth*nodeW + (this.breadth-1)*gap; startX = this.x + (nodeW - total)/2; startY = this.y + nodeH + gap; delta = nodeW + gap; for(var i = 0; i < n; i++) { node = xist.node.instances[this.children[i]]; subTotal = node.breadth*nodeW + (node.breadth-1)*gap; node.x = startX + step + (subTotal-nodeW)/2; node.y = startY; node.setOrigin(node.x, node.y); step += subTotal + gap; node.refresh(); } //update lines, line to parent TweenMax.set(this.lines[0], { x1:this.x+nodeW/2, x2:this.x+nodeW/2, y1:this.y-gap/2, y2:this.y }); //perpendicular child line TweenMax.set(this.lines[1], { x1:this.x+nodeW/2, x2:this.x+nodeW/2, y1:this.y+nodeH, y2:this.y+nodeH+gap/2 }); //parallel child line if(this.children.length) { TweenMax.set(this.lines[2], { x1:this.childAt(0).x+nodeW/2, x2:this.childAt(-1).x+nodeW/2, y1:this.y+nodeH+gap/2, y2:this.y+nodeH+gap/2 }); } break; case xist.tree.BOTTOM_UP: //calculate total width of the subtree based on the breadth prop total = this.breadth*nodeW + (this.breadth-1)*gap; startX = this.x + (nodeW - total)/2; startY = this.y - nodeH - gap; delta = nodeW + gap; for(var i = 0; i < n; i++) { node = xist.node.instances[this.children[i]]; subTotal = node.breadth*nodeW + (node.breadth-1)*gap; node.x = startX + step + (subTotal-nodeW)/2; node.y = startY; node.setOrigin(node.x, node.y); step += subTotal + gap; node.refresh(); } //update lines, line to parent TweenMax.set(this.lines[0], { x1:this.x+nodeW/2, x2:this.x+nodeW/2, y1:this.y+nodeH+gap/2, y2:this.y+nodeH }); //perpendicular child line TweenMax.set(this.lines[1], { x1:this.x+nodeW/2, x2:this.x+nodeW/2, y1:this.y, y2:this.y-gap/2 }); //parallel child line if(this.children.length) { TweenMax.set(this.lines[2], { x1:this.childAt(0).x+nodeW/2, x2:this.childAt(-1).x+nodeW/2, y1:this.y-gap/2, y2:this.y-gap/2 }); } break; case xist.tree.LEFT_RIGHT: //calculate total height of the subtree based on the breadth prop total = this.breadth*nodeH + (this.breadth-1)*gap; startX = this.x + nodeW + gap; startY = this.y + (nodeH - total)/2; delta = nodeH + gap; for(var i = 0; i < n; i++) { node = xist.node.instances[this.children[i]]; subTotal = node.breadth*nodeH + (node.breadth-1)*gap; node.x = startX; node.y = startY + step + (subTotal-nodeH)/2; node.setOrigin(node.x, node.y); step += subTotal + gap; node.refresh(); } //update lines, line to parent TweenMax.set(this.lines[0], { x1:this.x-gap/2, x2:this.x, y1:this.y+nodeH/2, y2:this.y+nodeH/2 }); //perpendicular child line TweenMax.set(this.lines[1], { x1:this.x+nodeW, x2:this.x+nodeW+gap/2, y1:this.y+nodeH/2, y2:this.y+nodeH/2 }); //parallel child line if(this.children.length) { TweenMax.set(this.lines[2], { x1:this.x+nodeW+gap/2, x2:this.x+nodeW+gap/2, y1:this.childAt(0).y+nodeH/2, y2:this.childAt(-1).y+nodeH/2, }); } break; case xist.tree.RIGHT_LEFT: //calculate total height of the subtree based on the breadth prop total = this.breadth*nodeH + (this.breadth-1)*gap; startX = this.x - (nodeW + gap); startY = this.y + (nodeH - total)/2; delta = nodeH + gap; for(var i = 0; i < n; i++) { node = xist.node.instances[this.children[i]]; subTotal = node.breadth*nodeH + (node.breadth-1)*gap; node.x = startX; node.y = startY + step + (subTotal-nodeH)/2; node.setOrigin(node.x, node.y); step += subTotal + gap; node.refresh(); } //update lines, line to parent TweenMax.set(this.lines[0], { x1:this.x+nodeW+gap/2, x2:this.x+nodeW, y1:this.y+nodeH/2, y2:this.y+nodeH/2 }); //perpendicular child line TweenMax.set(this.lines[1], { x1:this.x, x2:this.x-gap/2, y1:this.y+nodeH/2, y2:this.y+nodeH/2 }); //parallel child line if(this.children.length) { TweenMax.set(this.lines[2], { x1:this.x-gap/2, x2:this.x-gap/2, y1:this.childAt(0).y+nodeH/2, y2:this.childAt(-1).y+nodeH/2, }); } break; } //update line visibility TweenMax.set(this.lines[0].el, {autoAlpha:this.parent?1:0}); TweenMax.set([this.lines[1].el, this.lines[2].el], {autoAlpha:this.children.length?1:0}); }, //update node based on data update: function() { TweenMax.set(mkr.query('.thumb img', this.view), {attr:{}}); TweenMax.set(mkr.query('.name', this.view), {}); TweenMax.set(mkr.query('.born .lbl', this.view), {autoAlpha:( ||}); TweenMax.set(mkr.query('.born .date', this.view), {}); TweenMax.set(mkr.query('.born .place', this.view), {text:( ? ', ' : '')}); TweenMax.set(mkr.query('.died .lbl', this.view), {autoAlpha:( ||}); TweenMax.set(mkr.query('.died .date', this.view), {}); TweenMax.set(mkr.query('.died .place', this.view), {text:( ? ', ' : '')}); } }; node.instances = {}; node.getInstance = function(id) { return node.instances[id]; }; = {}; node.setBox = function(minX, maxX, minY, maxY) { = minX; = maxX; = minY; = maxY; }; return node; })(); //immediate family tree xist.iTree = (function() { var iTree = function(data, options) { //default data data = data || []; data[0] = mkr.default(data[0], {name:'You'}); data[1] = mkr.default(data[1], {name:'Mom'}); data[2] = mkr.default(data[2], {name:'Dad'}); //default options options = options || {}; this._parent = mkr.default(options.parent, document.body); this._zoom = mkr.default(options.zoom, 1); //create shared dom elements var m = new mkr({attr:{id:'tree-container'}, css:{width:'100%', height:'100%', background:'transparent', overflow:'hidden'}}); m.create('div', {attr:{id:'trees', class:'tree'}}); m.create('div', {attr:{id:'trees-bg'}, css:{border:'1px solid black', padding:'25px', x:-25, y:-25}}, '#trees'); //create shared spatial grid this._grid = rbush(10); //root tree this.root = new xist.tree({ dir: xist.tree.TOP_DOWN, view: {attr:{id:'trees'}}, grid: this._grid }, data[0]); //mom tree = new xist.tree({ dir: xist.tree.RIGHT_LEFT, view: {attr:{id:'trees'}}, grid: this._grid }, data[1]); //dad tree = new xist.tree({ dir: xist.tree.LEFT_RIGHT, view: {attr:{id:'trees'}}, grid: this._grid }, data[2]); this.onTreeResize(); this.centerOnRoot(); this._grid.clear(); this._grid.load('#trees .node')));, this);, this); this.root.resized.add(this.onTreeResize, this); //create ui elements //create a button/click listener to toggle animation m.create('div', {attr:{id:'addNode', class:'btn btn-primary'}, css:{bottom:10, right:10}, text:'Add node'}, this._parent); //add ui events mkr.on('#tree-container', 'wheel', function(e) { this.zoom -= e.deltaY/150; }, this); mkr.on('#addNode', 'click', function() { this.root.create(); }, this); }; iTree.prototype = { get zoom() { return this._zoom; }, set zoom(value) { this._zoom = Math.min(2, Math.max(.25, value));'#trees', .2, {scale:this._zoom}); }, set data(value) { var data = value || []; data[0] = mkr.default(data[0], {name:'You'}); data[1] = mkr.default(data[1], {name:'Mom'}); data[2] = mkr.default(data[2], {name:'Dad'}); = data[0]; = data[1]; = data[2]; this.centerOnRoot(); }, clear: function() { = null; }, onTreeResize: function() { //position trees based on dimensions var momX, momY, dadX, dadY, rootX, rootY; var momX = -; var dadX = momX + this.root.nodeW + 2*; var maxH = Math.max(,; var momY = dadY = maxH/2 - this.root.nodeH/2; rootX = momX + (( + + 2* - this.root.nodeW)/2; rootY = momY + this.root.nodeH + 2*;, momY);, dadY); this.root.setXY(rootX, rootY); //determine total dimensions and apply to the tree container var w = this._width = + + 2*; var h = this._height = maxH; if((momY + maxH/2) < (rootY + this.root.height)) { h = (rootY + this.root.height); } TweenMax.set('#trees', {width:w, height:h}); TweenMax.set('#trees-bg', {width:w+50, height:h+50}); }, centerOnRoot: function() { TweenMax.set('#trees', { x:(mkr.query('#tree-container').offsetWidth - this._width)/2, y:(mkr.query('#tree-container').offsetHeight - this._height)/2 }); } }; return iTree; })(); var data = [ { name: 'Samuel B Hershey', dob:'12.8.1976', pob:'Cleveland, OH', children: [ {name: 'Samuel A Hershey', dob:'10.19.2014', pob:'Chapel Hill, NC'} ] }, { name:'Birgit Winzer', dob:'10.27.1943', pob:'Boston, MA', children: [ {name: 'Ingrid Martens', dob:'12.20.1923', children: [ {name: 'Bertha Groth', dob:'6.7.1888', dod:'1.1.1972', children: [ {name: 'Christine Voigt'}, {name: 'Christian Groth'}, ]}, {name: 'Ludwig Martens', dob:'3.26.1892', dod:'4.4.1972', children: [ {name: 'Emma Luders'}, {name: 'Johan Martens'}, ]}, ]}, {name: 'Hans Winzer', dob:'4.2.1923', pob:'Boston, MA', dod:'7.26.1982', pod:'Cleveland, OH', children: [ {name: 'Edith Rempel', dob:'5.7.1882', dod:'4.30.1959', children: [ {name: 'Anna Siebert'}, {name: 'Gustav Rempel'}, ]}, {name: 'John Winzer', dob:'3.23.1887', dod:'7.26.1982', children: [ {name: 'Sarah Graham'}, {name: 'Julius Winzer'}, ]}, ]} ] }, { name: 'Loren Hershey', dob:'12.8.1976', pob:'Milwaukee, WI', children: [ {name: 'Josephine Rosenburg', dob:'9.5.1916', pob:'Milwaukee, WI', children: [ {name: 'Dora Heiser', dob:'1.2.1896', pob:'Milwaukee, WI', children: [ {name: 'Josephine'}, {name: 'Henry Heiser'}, ]}, {name: 'Simon Rosenburg', dob:'9.5.1916', pob:'Milwaukee, WI', children: [ {name: 'Hannah'}, {name: 'Benard Rosenburg'}, ]}, ]}, {name: 'Alvin Hershey', dob:'12.20.1915', pob:'Cleveland, OH', dod:'3.4.1974', pod:'Cleveland, OH', children: [ {name: 'Bess Fried', dob:'12.8.1891', dod:'1978', pod:'Cleveland, OH', children: [ {name: 'Esther Green'}, {name: 'Irviny Fried'}, ]}, {name: 'Ben Hershovitz', dob:'1889', dod:'1935', children: [ {name: 'Ruth'}, {name: 'Jacob Hershovitz'}, ]}, ]} ] } ]; //data = []; var tree = new xist.iTree(data);
That’s all! hopefully, you have successfully created the JavaScript family tree. If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to comment below.