JavaScript Gradient Color

JavaScript Gradient Color
Project: JS Color Gradient Builder
Author: Tom McQuillan
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License: MIT

This JavaScript code snippet helps you to create a gradient color. It implements a color gradient generator, and its purpose is to generate an array of colors that smoothly transition from one color to another. The code obtains the user-inputted values of two colors and the number of steps in the gradient. It then determines the type of color representation used by each input (HEX, RGB, or RGBA), processes the values accordingly, and generates an array of colors that transition between the two user-inputted colors.

Finally, it creates a div representation of the gradient and appends it to the HTML document.

How to Create JavaScript Gradient Color

First of all, load the following assets into the head tag of your HTML document.

<link rel='stylesheet' href='//'>

Create the HTML structure for the gradient color as follows:

  <body class="container">
    <h1>Gradient JavaScript Array Builder</h2>
    <p>Currently supports hex, might support rgb(1,2,3) format too. (When I say supports...unless i broke it).</p>
    <div class="editors col-md-2">
      <label for="color1">First Colour</label> 
      <input class="form-control col-md-2" id="color1" name="color1" type="text" placeholder="Color 1 (hex, rgb, rgba)" value="#0000ff" onchange="javascript: updateSpitter()">
      <label for="color2">Second Colour</label>
      <input class="form-control col-md-2" id="color2" name="color2" type="text" placeholder="Color 2 (hex, rgb, rgba)"
      <label for="steps">Number of Steps</label>
      <input class="form-control col-md-2" id="steps" name="steps" type="text" placeholder="Number of color steps" value="5">
      <button class="btn btn-success btn-large" onclick="javascript: updateSpitter()">Get Gradient Array</button>
    </div><div class="col-md-2">
    <div id="colors"></div>
    <pre id="spitter"></pre>

Now, style the gradient color using the following CSS styles:

display: block !important;

Finally, add the following JavaScript function for its effect:

// elements for obtaining vals
var val1El = document.getElementById('color1');
var val2El = document.getElementById('color2');
var stepsEl = document.getElementById('steps');

// constants for switch/case checking representation type
const HEX = 1;
const RGB = 2;
const RGBA = 3;

// get the string representation 
// type and set it on the element (HEX/RGB/RGBA)
function getType(val) {
  if (val.indexOf('#') > -1) return HEX;
  if (val.indexOf('rgb(') > -1) return RGB;
  if (val.indexOf('rgba(') > -1) return RGBA;

// process the value irrespective of representation type
function processValue(el) {
  switch (el.dataType) {
    case HEX:
        return processHEX(el.value);
    case RGB:{
      return processRGB(el.value);
    case RGBA:{
      return processRGB(el.value);

//return a workable RGB int array [r,g,b] from rgb/rgba representation
function processRGB(val){
  var rgb = val.split('(')[1].split(')')[0].split(',');
  return [

//return a workable RGB int array [r,g,b] from hex representation
function processHEX(val) {
  //does the hex contain extra char?
  var hex = (val.length >6)?val.substr(1, val.length - 1):val;
  // is it a six character hex?
  if (hex.length > 3) {

    //scrape out the numerics
    var r = hex.substr(0, 2);
    var g = hex.substr(2, 2);
    var b = hex.substr(4, 2);

    // if not six character hex,
    // then work as if its a three character hex
  } else {

    // just concat the pieces with themselves
    var r = hex.substr(0, 1) + hex.substr(0, 1);
    var g = hex.substr(1, 1) + hex.substr(1, 1);
    var b = hex.substr(2, 1) + hex.substr(2, 1);

  // return our clean values
    return [
      parseInt(r, 16),
      parseInt(g, 16),
      parseInt(b, 16)

function updateSpitter() {
    //attach start value
    var hasSpun = 0;
    val1El.dataType = getType(val1El.value);
    val2El.dataType = getType(val2El.value);

    var val1RGB = processValue(val1El);
    var val2RGB = processValue(val2El);
    var colors = [
      // somewhere to dump gradient
    // the pre element where we spit array to user
    var spitter = document.getElementById('spitter');

    //the number of steps in the gradient
    var stepsInt = parseInt(steps.value, 10);
    //the percentage representation of the step
    var stepsPerc = 100 / (stepsInt+1);

    // diffs between two values 
    var valClampRGB = [
      val2RGB[0] - val1RGB[0],
      val2RGB[1] - val1RGB[1],
      val2RGB[2] - val1RGB[2]
    // build the color array out with color steps
    for (var i = 0; i < stepsInt; i++) {
      var clampedR = (valClampRGB[0] > 0) 
      ? pad((Math.round(valClampRGB[0] / 100 * (stepsPerc * (i + 1)))).toString(16), 2) 
      : pad((Math.round((val1RGB[0] + (valClampRGB[0]) / 100 * (stepsPerc * (i + 1))))).toString(16), 2);
      var clampedG = (valClampRGB[1] > 0) 
      ? pad((Math.round(valClampRGB[1] / 100 * (stepsPerc * (i + 1)))).toString(16), 2) 
      : pad((Math.round((val1RGB[1] + (valClampRGB[1]) / 100 * (stepsPerc * (i + 1))))).toString(16), 2);
      var clampedB = (valClampRGB[2] > 0) 
      ? pad((Math.round(valClampRGB[2] / 100 * (stepsPerc * (i + 1)))).toString(16), 2) 
      : pad((Math.round((val1RGB[2] + (valClampRGB[2]) / 100 * (stepsPerc * (i + 1))))).toString(16), 2);
      colors[i] = [
  //build div representation of gradient
  var html = [];
    for(var i = 0;i<colors.length;i++){
      html.push("<div class='color' style='background-color:"+colors[i]+"; height:"+((i-(i-1))/colors.length*100)+"%;'></div>");
 document.getElementById("colors").innerHTML = html.join('');
    //update the pre element
    spitter.innerText = JSON.stringify(colors);
   * padding function:
   * cba to roll my own, thanks Pointy!
   * ==================================
   * source:
function pad(n, width, z) {
  z = z || '0';
  n = n + '';
  return n.length >= width ? n : new Array(width - n.length + 1).join(z) + n;

That’s all! hopefully, you have successfully created the JavaScript gradient color. If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to comment below.

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